Last school year was a very successful year for many of our students, but we’re especially proud of one of our graduates who, after struggling with many family issues, wasn’t sure she saw a path to graduation before she began at YELLS. Ansleigh recalls learning about YELLS from her two brothers who had been attending for a year before she decided to visit YELLS for the first time. She was nervous at first, telling us, “I just didn’t feel like it was something for me. Then I went one day, and I’ve loved it ever since.” She has made such progress both in her self-esteem, her community support network, and her academics since she first started at YELLS.

“I never knew I would get the opportunity to receive a diploma on May 25, 2019. My four years of high school were very rough. Family issues and friendship issues got in the way of my academics. I struggled my freshman year and that messed up all my four years. I saw a huge difference in the grades I received in the beginning from the ones I received in the end. YELLS has helped contribute in an amazing way. My self-esteem was extremely low until I came to YELLS. The activities helped me come out of my shell and do things that I would have never thought I would do. The tutors have helped me accomplish all of my goals. I am so grateful for all of the staff, new students and new friends I made. For my senior year of high school, I got the opportunity to go to Marietta City Schools Performance Learning Center. If I did not go to PLC, I would have to do another year and wouldn’t have graduated on time. After receiving my diploma, I feel like I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I am so grateful for the opportunities I was given in all my four years.” – Ansleigh Phillips, Community Action Cafe Graduate

Now a YELLS graduate, Ansleigh comes back to volunteer and pass on what she received at YELLS, and our community has an educated and invested citizen who will continue to give back. She recently joined us as an assistant on the annual servant-leadership retreat to Camp Blue Ridge. It was amazing seeing just how much maturity and confidence she has gained. She was able to assist in creating workshops and lessons for our current high school students. The current students look up to her so much as a role model, and she takes it upon herself to support and encourage them to follow in her footsteps. She has a unique connection with the students because she has been in their place before. She is able to motivate and uplift them, and it has been amazing to watch the relationship between Ansleigh and our current students grow from peer to mentor.
Ansleigh recently shared, “Being a YELLS graduate makes me feel like I have accomplished something. It makes me feel like I did something right. I’ve loved YELLS since the first time I stepped foot in the building. YELLS is my second home.”
We’re so proud of you Ansleigh and all you have accomplished! Keep up the great work!